FAQ for the Cyber Connective Platform

  1. What is the Cyber Connective Platform? The Cyber Connective Platform is a software provided by C3 – Cyber Connective Corporation that solves the cyber security risk management and unifies cyber security risk management with cyber security operations and regulatory compliance. It creates a normalized and standardized model of all cyber security posture data for LLM training.
  2. How is the Cyber Connective Platform delivered? The Cyber Connective Platform is delivered as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution.
  3. How is the cost of the Cyber Connective Platform determined? The annual cost of the Cyber Connective Platform is based on the number of digital assets and digital identities.
  4. What is the purpose of the Cyber Connective Platform? The purpose of the Cyber Connective Platform is to provide a solution for cyber security risk management, unifying cyber security risk management with cyber security operations and regulatory compliance. It creates a normalized and standardized model of all cyber security posture data for LLM training.
  5. Who is the Cyber Connective Platform intended for? The Cyber Connective Platform is intended for businesses and organizations that need to manage their cyber security risks and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  6. How does the Cyber Connective Platform work? The Cyber Connective Platform consolidates existing cyber security products into a single normalized view, eliminating manual processes and providing full visibility into all assets under an organization’s control. It also enables the interoperability of existing cyber tools, maximizing investment and enabling auditability and integrity.
  7. What are the benefits of using the Cyber Connective Platform? The benefits of using the Cyber Connective Platform include streamlined executive, shareholder, and business leader communication, consolidated asset views for multiple teams across the organization, quicker audit compliance reporting, visibility on shadow IT organizations, and the ability to identify gaps and blind spots in an organization’s cyber security posture.
  8. How does the Cyber Connective Platform ensure data security? C3 – Cyber Connective Corporation, the provider of the Cyber Connective Platform, implements reasonable and appropriate measures to protect the security and confidentiality of data. Users of the platform are also required to comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations and not use the platform to process any unlawful data.
  9. What are the licensing terms and conditions for the Cyber Connective Platform? C3 – Cyber Connective Corporation grants users of the Cyber Connective Platform a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the platform solely for their internal business purposes, subject to the limitations set forth in the platform’s licensing terms and conditions. The license does not permit resale, distribution, publicly performing or displaying, leasing, licensing, or other commercial exploitation of the platform.
  10. How can I learn more about the Cyber Connective Platform? You can learn more about the Cyber Connective Platform by visiting the C3 – Cyber Connective Corporation website or contacting them directly for more information.