Davos Interview

Keeping up with technology is a challenge in itself. Keeping it safe is another.

Rodrigo Loureiro

Founder & CEO
Decades of experience as CIO, CTO and CISO at public companies, including leading a well funded $5B private company to a successful IPO.

Inventor and Bestselling Author, keynote speaker, published author, and authority on AI’s impact on cyber-security

C3 Shield keeps your organization’s cybersecurity in check by keeping a close eye on various critical areas: potential risks and threats, who can access what, and the role of your team members. It works by connecting with all the cybersecurity tools you already use—think of things like network scanners, malware detectors, and identity checks, among others. C3 Shield pulls all this data together into one place, giving you a complete picture of how safe and secure your organization is.

This is done through the C3 Data Lake, where all the information from your security tools is collected, organized, and analyzed. This way, you get a clear and comprehensive view of your cybersecurity stance. And the best part? This data is presented through custom dashboards designed for different users within your organization, catering to their specific needs and helping them make informed decisions.